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Join “My Skate” and share your story.

Inline skating has surged in popularity lately. Some are new to the sport and using it as a substitute for their normal workout, and others are long-time inline skaters who are glad to see so many skaters around them. We would love to hear and share your love for inline skating. Some ride alone and others ride with their friends and family, some love to dance and others workout on their inline skates. Whatever your motivation is, it is clear inline skating brings people together and leads to progression both on and off your skates. We have developed GIF’s to use on your Instagram account and share your story with an image or video: My Skate.


We offer 4 types of GIF images:

  • My Skate Dance: show your move, dance or routine on inline skates

  • My Skate Setup: display your setup and share it with the world

  • My Skate Workout: share the way you work on your mental and physical health

  • My Skate Past: let the scene know how you got started or how your progression on inline skates has developed


Share you story, thoughts, memories or proud moments and add the GIFS by searching them with the tag: MYSKATE and don’t forget to add the hashtag #rollerblademyskate.