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Catching up with Maxime Genoud

With the COVID-19 pandemic continuing and travel restrictions around the globe, we have been limited on who we can “Catch Up” with in the inline skating community. We were however able to Catch Up with Rollerblade® athlete Maxime Genoud.  We hope you enjoy this issue of “Catching Up”.

During the last several months movement in general has been very limited.  How did you keep in motion?

As the lockdown was not total in Switzerland, we could still go out if we wanted. During those last months I did a lot of downhill skating and had some sessions with friends at the two skateparks we have in Lausanne.

When you session at the park is it with the same crew as before the pandemic? Do the sessions still feel the same?
I’ve been skating for more than 17 years now, so I’ve seen many people who choose a different path and start skating less or stop but we are the few remaining dogs out there to skate together.

Have you experienced any major life changes during this time? How have you been affected?
2020 was a though year on lots of point for me. I’m slowly getting my head out of the water and looking forward having better time in 2021.

What do you do to get your mind right?
Skating, reading, watching movies and taking pictures

Please give us some insight into your photography at the moment?

I’m working as a photographer so photography is my job but also my other main passion. I like to build cameras from waste and use them to take blurry and original pictures. Beside that I love to go out in the mountains, go to some exhibition and bike around in the landscapes and take some nice shots.

How do you decide what kind of “waste” you will use to create your cameras?  Have you displayed your cameras before?
I try to have a connection with the subject I’m taking pictures of. For example I have build a camera with a Cello for a festival of classical music and took portraits of the artist playing at the festival.
I can also come from a funny idea I have in mind, everything can be turned into a camera.
I also build a camera with a piece of cheese and spent a week in an alpine diary farm.
Earlier this year I did a workshop in a school with kids and we build cameras together to create an exhibition in a national museum. I am very proud to already have several exhibitions on my name with my self-build cameras around Switzerland since I finished my school.

What do you take from inline skating to apply to creative projects like you mentioned before?
Inline skating will teach you that even if you fall down you’ll get up. It will also help you to concentrate on one task and focus.


What are you looking forward to the most in the near future?
Work on some new photography project, travel and share good times with friends again as soon as possible and when this pandemic slowdown or die.

Do you already have projects planned?
I’m working on two different exhibitions. One where I’ll use pumpkins to build cameras and take pictures of the camera themselves in a mirror and an other one more « classical » about food producer : one biodynamic vine producer and a cheese producer.