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Got the Skills? Get Certified!

Kris Fondran Rollerblade Ambassador & Inline Certification Program (ICP) Director

With the recent developments of COVID 19 having an unprecedented impact world-wide and with social distancing measures rapidly changing the way we live and interact is it just me, or is everyone outside skating?!

Inline skating is proving to be as popular as ever with skates being sold out in stores and even online.
Inline skating is truly the perfect sport for this time in our world. It is one that can be safely experienced outdoors in wide-open spaces with fresh air to breath. Keeping social distancing measures in mind, it is an activity that can be done in small groups or as individuals skating together but safely at a distance.

Since 1991 the ICP has been devoted to the development of professional inline skating instructors so skaters around the world can receive quality instruction. Through certification programs, and thousands of Certified Instructors world-wide, the ICP has provided an educational framework for the sport using proven skill building methods for almost 30 years.

At the Inline Certification Program we have ALWAYS known that inline skating is fun and accessible for just about everyone as it provides people of all ages with an outlet for physical activity, to explore their surroundings, for competition, as a cross training activity and much, much more.
With more people wanting to skate, they are going to need more people to teach them how to do so safely and effectively. This is where you come in!
If you love to skate and think you would like to teach others, this is the perfect time to get “ICP Certified”!

During this difficult time, it is important to look for the positives in life. Spending our time doing things that feel good, that make us smile and that are good for us. Skating is one of those things. 

To register for an upcoming Online Level 1 Program go directly to the ICP online learning platform www.skatinginstruction.com where you can register for this course and find other classes and course to improve your skating or teaching experience.

Need to learn how to skate or skate better? Check out the ICP’s Global Instructor Directory on the ICP Website to find an instructor near year you! 
The ICP World Wide Team and I look forward to rolling right alongside you as you pursue taking your passion for skating and turn it into a profession.


Kris Fondran is a licensed skate instructor with years of experience. In this video Kris helps you get started on inline skates. The first step is the most important step:  Gear up for success.  If you are new to skating this video will be a key tool to getting you rolling.

Kris starts from the most basic point, putting your skates.  She then moves into getting up into the right position before you start rolling. Once you are into the rolling ready position you need to start moving by striding.  Kris also gives instruction on speed control, turning, and braking.  These are all essential skills to master when you are new to inline skating.

Once you feel at ease on your inline skates, you are ready to move on to the next video, “Tips for Beginners”. Watch these and other instructional videos on our Youtube channel.