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Upgrade with Premium Rollerblade® Hydrogen Wheels

Been enjoying your Rollerblade® skates for a while now? Maybe you’re noticing some signs of wear: coned or flat spots on your wheels or a slower roll.  Depending on how much, where and how you skate it could be a year or it could be a month before you’ll notice signs that your skates need attention. Eventually all skates will need upgrades and care. Wheels are a key component to skates and a fresh set of wheels can really enhance your skate sessions.


Upgrading your skate set up with a new set of wheels is a good idea if you are starting to see wear in the profile of the wheels or if you notice the wheels are no longer rolling smoothly. After assembling your skates with new wheels you will immediately feel a difference by way of smoother roll land increased speed. With our wide range of wheels to choose from you are sure to find the perfect wheels! 


The new Hydrogen Spectre 80mm wheels are an amazing upgrade for your skate in performance and looks. Designed for ultimate athletic performance. Made in the USA using an exclusive Premium formula, the scooped inner core supports a urethane outer—enhancing speed, grip and wear reduction. Additionally the Spectre wheels come in four colors that match your vibe: Aqua, Salmon, Lilac or Grey.